Journal Manuscript (Required for B or Higher)

Journal Manuscript
Required for Grades of B and Higher

Context: Publishing in a peer reviewed journal is a way to share your ideas with a scholarly community that is wider than the audience at a conference. Peer reviewed journals are journals in which other scholars in your field read your paper and review it before it can be published to ensure that research is up to date, relevant, and correct.

Before you can publish, you have to submit to the journal and get approved by the readers who will make sure your paper meets the standards.

In this assignment you will expand your conference paper with the feedback you received into a journal manuscript (2000-2500 words).

Purpose: Journal manuscripts make an important academic genre. They are necessary to share your ideas with the widest possible audience. They are the culmination of your conference proposal—giving you the best chance to fully answer the important question about Iranian cinema you developed earlier after you received feedback from the conference process and planned how to present them in a particular journal. The journal manuscript is also a genre some of your other teachers will likely expect you to produce in their classes.

Advice: Even though you’ve developed a data-driven paper for the conference, you’ll need to expand it to make it into a journal article. Not all journal manuscripts are exactly the same, but many build on the conference paper in some of the following ways:

  • While the conference paper is tied closely to data you use, the journal manuscript can add in other research to help flesh out the data
  • The manuscript can reflect on the significance of the research further than the conference paper
  • The manuscript can include more secondary sources than the conference paper and explain how your new research fits with and challenges existing scholarship
  • Try to address the feedback you received on the conference paper
  • Think about the plan you developed to structure your article for the journal you chose

Task: Your task is to update your conference paper into a 2000-2500 word journal article. It should try to match the conventions you noticed in your journal research assignment and improve on the conference paper. You do not have to actually submit your manuscript to the journal you chose, but you should write your manuscript as if that were true.

Length: 1500 words
Format: word or google docs
Due: November 21